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Trắc nghiệm trực tuyến miễn phí 1 tiết môn Anh Văn 9 - Đề 25

  • : 32
  • : 30 phút

I. Choose the correct answers (3pts).

Câu 1: 1. We're looking for a place ............  we can get something to eat.

Câu 2: Jim's concentration on his homework was ..........  deep that he didn't hear the doorbell.

Câu 3: English is the language most often .........  by people from different countries.

Câu 4: I wish everyone would use his bicycle, ........... we could reduce pollution.

Câu 5: The boy from the village was ............. life in the city.

Câu 6: ..........the poisonous waste from the chemical factories flowed into the river and polluted it.

Câu 7: Trees help prevent the erosion of soil by ...........  it from the wind and the rain.

Câu 8: I wish you ........ make so much noise. I'm trying to work.

Câu 9: They decided to have a picnic .........  the pouring rain.

Câu 10: If he ..........a chance of success, he ......... have to work harder.

Câu 11: A lot of humor depends on the use of words............  sound the same but have different meaning.

Câu 12: ................there is not enough information on the effects of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.

Câu 13: II. Use the correct word form (2pts).
1. It's............ to avoid traffic jams during rush hours in this big city. (difficulty)

Câu 14: 2. Let me ............ you on your winning the full scholarship! (congratulations)

Câu 15: 3. You should pay more ............ to what the teacher says. (attentive)

Câu 16: 4. Tet is the most important ............ for Vietnamese, (celebrate)

Câu 17: III. Rewrite, using the words in brackets (2pts).
1. Can you give me a lift? I'll be late otherwise.  (unless)

Câu 18: 2. I'm sure that Helen feels really lonely.  (must)

Câu 19: 3. If I were you, I'd try to get some sleep.  (advise)

Câu 20: 4. There is no evidence for the existence of UFOs, so I don't believe in them. (If)

Câu 21: IV. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently (1pt).

Câu 22:

Câu 23:

Câu 24:

Câu 25: V. Read the following passage and then fill in the blank with a suitable word (2pts).
Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear of problems (1) ...........  the environment - and what a list of problems! -Pollution, acid rain, global (2) ........... , the destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants, and so on. Nowadays, most of us know that these threats exist and that humans have caused them. Many of us are very worried (3) .............  the future . of our planet and unless we can find a way of (4) .............. the problems we have made then the environment will suffer even more.
It all sounds so depressing - but we certainly mustn't despair! Every one of us, whatever age we are, can do something to help slow down and reverse some of the damage. We cannot leave the problem-solving entirely to the experts - we all have (5)  ........... for our environment. We must learn to live in a sustainable way i.e. learn to use our (6).......... resources which include air, freshwater, forests, wildlife, farmland and seas without (7).......... them. As populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep the World in good (8) ................  so that future generations will have the same natural resources that we have.

Câu 26:

Câu 27:

Câu 28:

Câu 29:

Câu 30:

Câu 31:

Câu 32:

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